Frequently Asked Questions

When is LAB Week®?
LAB Week 2025 will be conducted Sunday, June 8 through Friday, June 13, 2025.

Is LAB like summer school?
Not summer school as you would imagine. LAB is an exciting, award-winning program that teaches free enterprise and entrepreneurship through hands-on activities and an interactive business simulation. Since 1980, LAB has successfully graduated more than 2,300 current and future business leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and nonprofit managers. And even for those who do not pursue a business career, LAB enhances leadership skills and self-esteem that are necessary in all walks of life.

Is it mostly classroom lectures?
That is only a small part. LAB is also about five-person teams of sophomores, juniors and seniors competing for honors as company teams in a sophisticated computer-simulated marketplace. Field trips to area companies, both large corporations and small entrepreneurial businesses, are integral to the LAB Week experience.

Do I have to plan for a business degree to apply?
Absolutely not. The program inspires future decision-makers of all sorts. The skills learned during LAB Week can be applied to any aspect of the student’s lives.

How can I earn college credit for participating in LAB Week®?
College credit is available to students of LAB Week 2025 through the Ohio College Credit Plus (CCP) program. Learning About Business and Lake Erie College (LEC) have partnered to offer credit for LEC’s Fundamentals of the Enterprise as transferable credits. The deadline to apply for the CCP program is April 1, 2025. Students who miss the CCP deadline may pay a reduced fee for the college credits.

Click here for detailed information about College Credit Plus:

Students who successfully complete LAB Week are also eligible for a four-thousand-dollar scholarship if they decide to attend Lake Erie College for their post-secondary education.

Is there a cost for LAB Week?
Yes, there is a $350 fee to participate in LAB Week®. This includes room, meals and materials for the week. No student is turned away for financial reasons – there are need-based scholarships available. Merit scholarships will also be made available – a separate form will be sent to students once their application to the program has been approved.

Is it all work?
LAB days are long and intensive, but there's also time for recreation, making new friends and just having fun.

Where is LAB Week held?
LAB Week® is held on the campus of Lake Erie College. Students stay in dorm rooms and get a taste of the college life. Students are supervised 24-hours a day.

Do I need to dress up?
At certain times LAB students wear business attire. Other times dress is business casual. During recreation periods students are allowed athletic wear. A dress code for each day is given to the students in their acceptance packet. See the LAB Curriculum page for daily dress code.

Can I bring a car?
No, during the week students are restricted to the campus except for field trips. LAB provides all transportation. Students may not use their own vehicle at any time during the week.

Can I have visitors?
Generally not. If absolutely necessary, immediate family members may visit on matters of importance, but they must call in advance and check in with the LAB staff upon arrival. During LAB Week® students have little time for visitations. Students should bring ample clothes and supplies for the week. 

Do I need a laptop or other electronic device?
Not really. Each team is provided with a laptop to conduct their business operations. Cell phones are helpful to receive reminders and notifications during LAB Week®. 

May I bring snacks and beverages?
Yes, you may bring your own snacks and beverages. We provide all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) throughout the week. Lake Erie College does have a policy of no alcohol or smoking on campus. Students must comply with these policies and state laws.

Who runs the program?
The LAB staff with the support of more than 100 volunteer business and nonprofit professionals who share their expertise and provide excellent networking opportunities. LAB is a nonprofit organization.

Is it hard to get in?
LAB Week® participation is competitive. In most years the program receives more than 100 applications from numerous high schools for its 60 openings. LAB does maintain a short waiting list in case an accepted student cannot attend.

Who is eligible to apply to LAB?
High school students who are currently sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible to apply to participate in LAB Week®.

Other questions?
Email the LAB office at or call 440-375-7185.

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